
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Glitter Gradient

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in awhile, college is keeping me busy and I haven't gotten around to editing/cropping mostly any pictures until now- even though I should be doing my homework. Yesterday was crazy, I planned on posting but after school I had to go to the doctor for my wrist- turns out I have tendonitis, and my mom made me get a flu shot, which stung like crazy, no other flu shot I've gotten has hurt that bad! And then we went out to try to find an outfit for our Fall Band Concert on the 30th, my first concert at Capital and I get to spend it being in the Symphonic Winds at Capital University- I'm so excited! And I got a 95% on my auditation test- which I was freaking out about because I thought I did poorly on it. woo! And then I got to spend from 7:30-11 helping my brother with his chemistry homework- not exactly how I planned on spending my night.

Now. Onto the nails!

Pictured is two coats of Zoya Caitlin (I think, possibly 3 coats) sponged with China Glaze Skyscraper. 
I really love glitter gradients. They're gorgeous, and just so simple to do. They're now my default way to wear glitter! haha

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