
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Color Club Holo Swatches and Review

As many of you probably have seen, Color Club will be releasing a new holo collection this August/September! Ah! More holos! I'm So excited to get my hands on them! You can see a couple pictures here at Neverland Nail Blog. :) Because of this new collection, I decided to swatch the old, well soon to be "old", Color Club holos in preparation of the new holos! Now, onto the photos! warning, there's a TON of pictures, and you can probably tell which one is my favorite based off the absurd amount of pictures I posted of it :) Please note some of these pictures are in fact blurred, but I included them because they showed the holo a lot better than nearly all the in focus ones.

 All taken with flash in indirect sunlight from my window.
Revvvolution. Black holo

Taken with flash

Taken in indirect sunlight, but the sun was so weak it was practically shade.
Worth The Risque. Your average silver holo

Taken with flash

Taken in indirect sunlight/shade
Love 'Em/Leave 'Em. A tan, nude holo

Taken in indirect sunlight

Taken with flash
Fashion Addict. Light purple holo

Taken with flash

Taken in indirect sunlight
Wild At Heart. Dark purple holo.

I absolutely adore these! The holo effect is very subtle indoors, but I actually like that. I know people who have seen the old China Glaze OMG collection will probably be disappointed in the holo in these, but I personally love the subtle holo. All holos are good holos in my book!

Formula wise these were all very good. All would be wearable in two coats, but I did three anyway, I'm a habitual three coat-er. The only one with a topcoat in these photos is Wild At Heart, it has one coat of Seche Vite over three coats of polish. All the others are only three coats of polish.

Revvvolution and Wild at Heart seemed to be more opaque than the other three, most likely since they're both darker colors and no where near as light as the other three.

What do you guys think? Do you prefer the stronger holo effect the OMG collection has, or do these subtle holos fulfill your holo needs just as well as the OMG collection?

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