
Saturday, August 4, 2012

China Glaze Trendsetter

China Glaze Trendsetter is from their Metro Collection from last fall. It's a mustard yellow with gold shimmer in it. In the lighting in my house it looks more like a darker olive shade than a mustard, but once I'm outside I can see how it's mustard. My mom actually described this as "an ugly pea baby food" color, which I have to agree with. It's ugly, but awesome. I've actually had this sitting on my nail rack for almost a year now because I wasn't that fond of it and thought it was ugly, but eventually it grew on me. It reminds me of those dogs that are so ugly yet somehow they're cute and you just want to play with all day. It's so ugly and unique, that it's awesome! See for yourself!

What do you guys think? Are you into these kinds of ugly, yet awesome colors? Is it something you'd wear?

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