
Monday, August 20, 2012

Blue and Silver Glitter Gradient

Good morning! How is everyone today? This morning I have my first try at a glitter gradient using the sponging technique to show you guys! Now I've done glitter gradients before, but always just by using the brush in the bottle and hoping that i don't add too much. Since I've started doing gradients in non glitter colors with the sponging method, I thought I'd give the sponging method a try- and I don't think it turned out too bad! MUCH better than how I was doing it before.

I'm really sorry that the non-flash photos are blurry, my camera saw the glitter and spazzed out I guess, because out of the 30ish photos I took, these were the best. Pathetic, right?

and for a flash one, just to show how sparkly it is! 

Colors Used:
Dots Atomic Blue
China Glaze Lorelei's Tiara

To do the gradient I cut a normal kitchen sponge into a tiny square and dipped it in some water, this helps prevent the sponge from just sucking up all the polish. Then I took the glitter and made a line on the edge of the sponge about the width of my nail and started dabbing my nail with it, starting at the tip and going down to create the gradient effect.

As for the Dots polish, I picked up two the other day when I went clothes shopping. I've only tried this one so far, but I'm pleased. It's a bright blue, brighter than all the other blues in my collection, but not quite neon. It dried a tad darker than in the bottle. But application was good, three coats and it was perfect. Plus they were cheap! Only $2.80 a bottle! And buy one get one half off too. 

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